Having never owned a gun, or even fired one, I am not a member of the NRA.  On the other hand, my husband grew up on a farm in Nebraska where guns were considered a necessity for hunting and self defense.   Every time  a mass shooting occurs, there’s an outcry for more gun control, which is a reasonable reaction.  Why, then, don’t we have the same response when a car or truck mows down a bunch of pedestrians.  Should we ban cars and trucks?

Since cars and trucks are proven to be deadly, should we ban them from the road?

What if would-be shooters can’t find or buy a gun?  Does that erase the hatred in their hearts or the insanity in their brain?  Probably not.   If they really want to carry out their despicable acts, they will find a way.  As in the case of 9/11, simple weapons like box cutters—not guns—caused the death of thousands of Americans.  And now, we’re seeing more and more groups of pedestrians being mowed down by trucks or cars.  Just yesterday, a man was arrested in Washington DC  hours before he carried out his horrific plan to ram a U Haul truck into as many pedestrians as possible.. Afterward, there  was not a single suggestion from anyone, any where in the media, that called for a ban on U Haul trucks.

As a matter of fact, vehicles cause more deaths than wars or diseases.  Witness the alarming carnage on the nation’s highways over holiday weekends.

The point I’m trying to make is that even if there were no guns available anywhere in the world, someone who’s determined to wreak havoc on their fellow human beings will find a way. Look at the Boston Marathon bombers.  While it’s illegal for US citizens to own an explosive device without a permit,  that didn’t stop the  Oklahoma Bomber.  Arson is another tool for the criminal mind.  Shall we ban matches and cigarette lighters?

We can ban every potentially lethal product in the world, but we can’t eliminate hatred and criminal insanity.