It happens to everyone, sooner or later.  Someone or something lets you down, dashes your hopes and dreams.  You may get over it quickly, after a long while, or not at all.  But the truth is, when things don’t turn out the way we expect, it’s often a blessing in disguise.  Did you dodge a bullet yesterday, last month, or years ago?

Did You Dodge A Bullet
Did You Dodge A Bullet? When we’re disappointed in love, we may have dodged a bullet.

The first example that comes to mind is a failed relationship.  Someone you love, decides that they don’t love you. It may happen gradually, over years.  Or you’re totally blindsided.  One moment  you’re happy and content , the next minute you’re getting dumped.  Unless you got married right out of high school, you’ve probably experienced  at least one episode like this.  And yet, when it’s finally over, and you’ve gone on with your life, you  realize the person wasn’t right for you at all.

Here’s how  the urban dictionary defines  Dodged a Bullet:  “When you come close to dating a person but for whatever reason it falls through, and then later find out that person is batshit crazy,   you’ve  dodged a bullet..

Ok,  the person wasn’t crazy, so that doesn’t apply. .  But you may look back and realize you actually had nothing much  in common, or the one you loved was emotionally abusive.  It may take a long time, but you finally realize it would never have worked out well.

The next big downer is getting turned down for a job.  When you’ve written a great resume, and sat through a seemingly positive interview, you’re confident you’ll be offered a position.

And then, you hear nothing back.  Or you receive a tersely written letter  that they’re sorry to inform you—you didn’t get the job.  And they don’t even leave the door open, asking you to keep on applying.  This is almost more of a blow to your self esteem than the failed relationship.  What did you say or do wrong?  Was there spinach on your teeth?  Doggedly, you keep trying, not getting your hopes up again after the next  interview.  And all of a sudden, you land a dream job with a great  organization.  After you’ve settled down,  you look back and feel immensely grateful that you got turned down after that first job interview. .  It wasn’t about you—it was on them.  Their loss.  Ha Ha.

Did a business deal fall through?  Someone stand you up for an important  meeting? Miss a plane that ended up six hours on the tarmac? .  The  next time you’re feeling upset  about a rejection or missed opportunity,  remember this:  You may have  dodged a bullet.


Were you ever dumped by someone you loved?  Did you miss getting on a plane that later crashed ? Sometimes, you’re upset when things don’t go the way you expect.  But later, it turns out you were better off. Did you dodge a bullet today?.

I tend to be an impatient person, which I can easily blame on my mother, for her DNA didn’t include  a patience marker.  My brother and I both lacked that trait,  while my two sisters got the laid- back gene inherited from  my father.

If you’re impatient, you tend to get upset if things don’t go smoothly.  Like, if you’re waiting in a long line at the grocery store on a stormy day and someone’s slowly writing a check, and the cashier has to call a supervisor from the back of the store to mosey up and  okay the check.   While you’re  irritably  clocking your wait time ,  the other lines are moving swiftly.  Then, the moment you finally  walk out of the store, the rain stops,  the sun comes out, and you see your worst enemy in the car next to yours, backing out of the parking lot. . Yes, you dodged that bullet.  Now, aren’t you glad you got stuck waiting in line?

Dodged a bullet means you avooided something seriously wrong, although you didn't know it at the time
When something doesn’t go well for you, it may turn out that you’ve dodged a bullet.

The most common dodged- that -bullet scenario comes from a relationship that went south.  Say you were engaged to a guy who broke it off, and later he gets  arrested for doing drugs. Or a man regrets not marrying his beautiful young girlfriend.  Fast forward five years, and he sees her hanging out at a bar, haggard, overweight and  drunk.

Once, I applied for a  job that I really, really wanted.  Didn’t get it.  Two months later, got a job that ended up being my career until retirement.

Other bad things that happen can be a blessing in disguise.  You get fired from a crappy job and get a better one later. You were saving for a  move to California when your car breaks down. A week later, you meet the love of your life right in your own hometown.

The next time something doesn’t go well,  you may have dodged a bullet.  Every cloud has a silver lining.