Everyone agrees that 2020 is a year we would rather forget. The social isolation of the pandemic, and subsequent economic and mental anguish has brought the entire world to a standstill. And yet,  6 things bring hope for 2021.

6 things bring hope for 2021
6 things bring hope for 2021. Indy has just landed the entire NCAA tournament.

1. Indy just landed the entire NCAA Men’s Basketball tourney. Who says Indianapolis is a hick town? This tournament is usually played throughout  the country in March. We’re talking 67 men’s college basketball games, all to be played right here in the  State of Indiana. Love it that Indy Governor Holcomb met with NCAA President Mark Emmert and planned the whole thing back in November. Proud to be a Hoosier, and hoping more exciting things will happen for our State in the future

    2. Seeing a friend fight cancer. Some forms of cancer have a worse prognosis than others, and this was a bad one. The median survival is only 8 months. And yet he’s still here after 2 years. . We’ve watched him go through chemo, and bravely battle the disease. He walks and prays daily, keeps an upbeat attitude, and can still drive, travel and enjoy life.

3.  Indoor gardening. I love seeing greenery inside the house on dreary winter days. Lots of hanging planters in the windows. I have enough amaryllis bulbs to last through Spring. Watching the buds and leaves slowly emerge , inch by inch, gives me something to look forward to each day. And when the gorgeous flowers finally bloom, I feel a surge of joy.

4. Mastering a mean omelet. I’ve always loved omelets, but never could get one to turn out smoothly. Mine always fell apart somewhere, and ended as a jumbled up mess on the plate. Finally, I found an omelet lesson on you tube that actually worked. My cheese omelet last night was smooth, perfectly done, and slid right onto a plate. I’m not too old to improve my cooking skills.!

5. Vaccine.  2020 has been a lost year for everyone. Too many people have died from Covid-19. My grandchildren missed out on a whole year of in-person schooling.. Folks have lost jobs, are going hungry, and losing their homes. The vaccines for Covid-19 give us hope for a return to normalcy by the end of this year.

6. 2020 election is over. The spam phone calls from politicians at all hours of the day and night have finally stopped. I’m still getting emails from The Trump folks, but I believe those will end after Biden’s inauguration. Whether or not you like the outcome of the election, you won’t have to endure all those invasions of privacy by activists who call, knock on your door, post on your Facebook, and clog up your email account

Better things are coming in 2021!