Do you dread buying a new computer, iPhone or other electronic devices?  I know I do. It’s not like buying a new dress to wear to a wedding.   You brace yourself for a whole a new set of buttons and apps. For me, any new piece of equipment involves a steep learning curve.  And most sales reps at places like AT&T and BEST BUY are woefully unaware of how to help seniors.  They zip through the instructions at breakneck speed, and never smile. You can tell they don’t like waiting on folks over 50.  Young techie sales representatives lack empathy for anyone who didn’t grow up using computers.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the new computer or phone came with an  instruction manual.  But everyone’s gone paperless.  Since I grew up using Simplicity patterns to make my own clothes, I’m pretty good at following printed instructions.  But when a sales rep impatiently barks out directives on using a new product, I’m lost.  Yes, I know, there’s a line of customers behind me, chomping at the bit to be waited on.  And they won’t be asking silly questions or ask the salesperson to repeat themselves.

Techie sales reps lack empathy for old folks who didn't grow uup with computers.
Young techie sales reps lack empathy for seniors who don’t understand their language..

I know they’re frustrated because I don’t understand their language. And they know I’m at their mercy.  If I want to survive  in modern society, I must have a cell phone and a computer, at the very least.   Not to mention an MP3 player and a Kindle.  I’m not going to walk out of that store empty handed.  But I’m going to go home and try to remember what they said, and probably end up in tears of frustration, bemoaning my own ignorance.  And when I return to the store for further information, they frown with disapproval.

Each store should have a special clerk for seniors.  It would be helpful to advertise, and schedule appointments, so as to accommodate  people on canes and walkers, or those who can’t stand up for long. This person would need to have something the other tech salesmen lack—empathy.

As a last resort, I’ve ordered a printed manual for my new phone  called  “iPhones for Dummies.” That’s perfect for a tech dummy like me.