Yesterday was our 32nd wedding anniversary.  We were over 50 when we married, and certainly didn’t rush into anything.  Both of us had come out of long marriages and painful divorces.  We had dated for two years before we decided to tie the knot.  It wasn’t an easy decision, for various reasons. But here we are still together after all these years.  My husband is an incurable romantic, and he’s never missed sending me a card, taking me to dinner, and bringing me flowers.  But this Stay-At-Home Wedding anniversary was a challenge.

On Wednesday, while  checking my email, my husband asked me to give him a couple sheets of white computer paper.  I wondered what he was planning to write, but decided it was his own business.  So I didn’t ask. And he didn’t tell.  That afternoon, I went out to the yard and found a clump of daffodils in bloom.  I brought them inside, and arranged them in a vase on the coffee table.

Our Stay-At-Home Wedding Anniversary was sweet
A homemade card. Flowers from the yard. A perfect Stay-At-Home Wedding Anniversary

The next morning, my husband presented me with a card while we were having coffee.  He had made it himself, with the help of some pretty stickers on the front.  Inside, was a picture of us together during our younger days.  It was at a happy event—I think maybe taken at the Beef N Boards Theater in Indy. And he wrote me a love letter, which meant more to me than the most expensive Hallmark Card.   That afternoon, we found some old 45’s and his son brought us over a record player.  We spent a couple of hours sorting through his collection, listening to Broadway shows, and reminiscing.  With all the  restaurants  closed,  our usual evening out wasn’t possible.  Instead, I fixed his favorite Swiss Steak .

.A homemade card, flowers from the yard, music, wine, and good food.  Our Stay Home Wedding Anniversary was a good one.