Back In the 70’s, there was a Clairol commercial for electric curlers. : Curlers in Your Hair? Shame on You.    My daughter was in Junior High then.  She and her friends  loved that song. They made fun of “old” ladies who ran around with curlers in their hair.  They also laughed at  women with stiff , hair sprayed  “beauty parlor hair.”  Then, those young girls  grew up and they too, depended on weekly trips to the local hair salon.  Now, what will they do with all the beauty parlors closed because of coronavirus?   Warning! Bad hair days ahead.

Many women my age have been having their hair “done” once a week for over 50 years. They must be avoiding mirrors now.   Younger women know how to blow dry and style their own hair more frequently. Many wash their hair every single day.  But even if you know how to style your own hair, it still needs cutting or trimming every few weeks.  My  short hairdo is beginning to look more like a shaggy dog. Frizzy, with split ends.   Fortunately, I’m a swimmer, so I’m not dependent on a beautician to style my hair.  But I’m afraid to cut it myself.

Then there’s hair color.  If you pass the hair color racks at drug stores or grocers, you can see that most women have learned to color their own hair.  But many don’t—especially the more affluent women who can afford to have their hair colored every few weeks to the tune of about $50 a visit. Famous women have it the worst. Morning talk show host, Kelly Ripa,  is showing off her gray roots.  I’m seeing lots of blond television reporters with dark roots.

Al cloche hat will get you thru bad hair days
Warning: Bad Hair Days Ahead. Order a cloche hat to camouflage bad hair days  after the coronavirus  quarantine ends.

I’m willing to bet that beauticians are going to be overwhelmed when the COViD-19 stay-at-home order ends, and the beauty salons are back in business.  Meanwhile, what are women going to do with their bad hair?  (Not to mention their manicures and pedicures). I guess they could go online and order a wig.  Or maybe start wearing a turban.  Hats may make a comeback.  Remember the cloche?  We may be seeing a lot of them in those first few weeks after the pandemic ends and women  are out and about again.

Whatever you do, it’s a good idea to have a back-up plan.   Warning! Bad Hair Days are Ahead.


The Senate camera during the impeachment trial was cruel.   Its  focus on the top of people’s heads was about as unflattering as it gets.  The camera illuminated the bald spots of many on the defense team, the house managers, and even Supreme Court Justice Roberts.   It was worse for Zoe Lofgren, as her hair frizzed out over her glasses.  Jane Raskin’s side bang  kept falling across her  eye.  She needed a bobby pin. Yes, there were some bad hair days at the Trump Impeachment trial.

The camera was not kind during the Trump Impeachment trials
House Manager Zoe Lofgren had a bad hair day during the Trump Impeachment trial.

Does appearance influence the audience?  You have to believe it does, because you seldom see an unattractive reporter on any news show.   I’m wondering if any of the impeachment teams wore makeup?  From  the looks of them, probably not a lot  The women, of course, can get away with more frippery.  But I’m always distracted by dangling earrings.  Some females opt for a bit of cleavage. Pam Bondi’s low cut black dress on Thursday was a little more revealing than it needed to be.  Perhaps that was intentional, but maybe not.

Good looks aren’t all that important for elected officials.  Female senators and congresswomen  are generally a bit plain.  There are rare exceptions like Tulsi Gabbard. But the appearance of female politicians doesn’t arouse much jealousy in the looks department.  Let’s face it:  most women aren’t going to vote for someone who looks like Jenifer Aniston.

Back to the camera angle during the impeachment trial.  Network television cameras are much more forgiving.  Until this week, we didn’t realize how  many senators and congressmen were going bald. The senate cameras give us a view from the top.  Maybe it’s a security issue.  But it made for some bad hair days during the Trump impeachment trial.

Jay Zekulow's hair may not be real, but it looked good
Trump defense attorney Jay Zekulow’s hair looked good, in spite of the camera view from the top.

On the other hand, there were a few winners.  Patrick Philibin had some pretty decent head shots. Adam Schiff has a receding hairline, but his hair is nice and wavy.   Jay Zekulow’s thick, black hair looked good from every angle, each time he stood up to speak.  His detractors claim it’s a toupee.  I don’t know.  It still looked good on television.   If Dolly Parton can wear wigs, why can’t he?

6 Things You’ll Miss About January

Even if you’re a winter person, you reach a point where you are fed up with  cold weather.   You try to get over it by envisioning  a day in July.  Imagine :  Your  sweaty legs sticking to your car seat.  Tossing and turning all night, but it’s too hot and humid.  You’re simply exhausted.   Hold those images for 2 seconds.  There! Aren’t you glad it’s Winter? ? ?  Not really. Summer memories are cold comfort when it’s below zero.  But wait. here are 6 things you will miss about January next July.

In July, there are 6 things you will miss about Januay
Winter is the time to snuggle under warm sheets and get a good night’s sleep.

A good night’s sleep.  It’s an established fact that people sleep better in the winter. Turn down the thermostat, and snuggle under flannel sheets.  It stays dark  until about 8:30, so you’ll probably get an extra hour’s sleep.

You can always dress for cold weather, but not for hot.  When it’s snowing, you can pile on layers of clothing to keep you toasty warm.  Not so if you’re trying to enjoy a summer picnic. Even if if you’re in  a nudist colony , you are still going to sweat.   And get sunburned.

Productivity increases in winter months. You have more energy.   It’s been scientifically proven that people make better decisions in cold weather..  Hot weather slows down your brain. .  You don’t feel like studying or doing anything that’s mentally taxing when it’s 90 degrees outside. There’s a reason why countries with cold climates are more developed than tropical regions.

Skin and hair look better in cold weather. Your pores tighten,  and your complexion clears up.  Hair doesn’t get  greasy and frizzy like it does in hot, humid weather.

You don’t have to do as much laundry.  Because you sweat less,  outerwear stays clean  for a longer time between washings.

No insect bites.  You don’t have to slather on insect repellent every time you go outdoors.  You can take a walk outdoors without worrying  about bee stings or  West Nile Virus .

It may be cold comfort when its below zero, but you will miss these 6 things about January.