We’ve all had some memorable Thanksgivings.  Mine happened while I lived in Miami,  and about to have my  third child.  For some reason, I was hosting Thanksgiving for my then husband’s brother & family from Wisconsin, and my in laws who lived an hour away.   Looking back, I wonder why a person who was 9 months pregnant would have made such a plan, without foreseeing the possibility of a little Thanksgiving glitch.

On Wednesday , I put my two children in the car, drove to Winn Dixie, bought a turkey and all the fixin’s, went home, and confidently chopped up onions and celery for the dressing.  After dinner, I set the table for eleven, got out all the serving dishes, and rubbed the turkey with garlic.  I suppose we watched television for awhile as I folded napkins and baked a couple of pumpkin pies.

A Thanksgiving baby
Baby Girl Born on Thanksgiving Day

About 11:30, I was awakened with those familiar cramps that signal a baby is urgently trying to escape from the womb. Even though I was 10 days from my due date,  I’d been through this before, and was afraid I I would not be cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  What would happen to the turkey?  Would it spoil in the refrigerator?  And where would everyone have dinner on a holiday when all the restaurants were closed?

My husband awakened our children, and we  drove to the hospital.  After I’d been put in the maternity ward, I urged my husband to take the children home so they could all get some sleep.  Secretly, I hoped this was a false alarm and I could go home and cook  dinner the next day.

 They hadn’t been gone half an hour before a slim, blonde nurse came to my side, looked at her watch, and drawled . “I think we’re going to have us a Thanksgiving Baby.” It was l a.m.,  and the doctor was at a party.  He made it just in time for the delivery , dressed in a suit and tie.

Someone else cooked Thanksgiving dinner the next day.  Probably, my sister-in-law.  When they came to see me me that night, everyone  said it had all been delicious.  They even put some leftovers in the freezer so that I could have Thanksgiving dinner the following  week.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Yes,  there was a little glitch in my Thanksgiving dinner plans.  But on the other hand, something had gone very, very right.   Fifty years later  I still have my beautiful Thanksgiving Baby Girl..