In our state, octogenarians were second in line  to  receiving the covid-19  vaccine.  Health care workers and first responders were ahead of us.  The first day we were eligible, I got on the internet and made appointments.  Only problem was—you had to get there on your own.  Which meant that unless you could drive or have a caring relative nearby, you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the offer.  And if you’re locked down in an assisted living facility, you’re out of luck, because the vaccine bypasses those seniors.  As an example, 86% of assisted living residents in the city of San Diego don’t have a date  to receive the vaccine.

Vaccines Bypass Assisted Living. They're old enough to qualify, but can't get out. iving
Vaccines bypass assisted living facilities. They’re in lockdown and can’t leave. But some of them are over 90 and desperately need to be vaccinated.

Spoke with a lady in that situation who is 10 years older than I am..  She’s happy where she is, and is able to interact with the other residents on her floor at meal times.  But when I asked when and how she’s getting vaccinated, she said she wasn’t sure.  Said they’d been assured that someone would bring the vaccine to them “pretty soon.”

The state now reports the number of cases and deaths at individual nursing homes—but no such information is provided for the adjoining assisted living residence. At this particular facility, there have been numerous active cases and several deaths reported in the nursing home.  Seems like the people who vaccinated the nursing home residents could easily have gone next door and finished the job on the octogenarians who can’t leave the facility at this time.

Nothing’s perfect, I guess.  At least our state has used some common sense in scheduling appointments. It’s disheartening to see the long lines of folks in other states waiting to get their vaccines.  What is wrong with these health departments? Why can’t they schedule appointments in an orderly way?  It’s ridiculous to see people sleeping over night in their cars to get vaccines  delivered in a first-come-first serve basis.    Did the local state health departments not stop to meet and do some planning?  It’s no wonder covid-19 cases are rising, and out of control in some states.

Meanwhile,  will my nonagenarian friend get vaccinated anytime soon?