2020 WAS the worst election year I can ever remember.  And that’s saying a lot, considering my age.  Politics got all mixed up with health care.  President Trump went into denial, saying the  COVID -19 pandemic would be over by Easter.  Not true. New York  Governor Cuomo was more afraid of Trump’s criticism than the lives of  nursing home patients.  Instead of taking advantage  of a Navy ship  sent to accommodate covid-19 victims , Cuomo  shipped them out of hospitals into nursing homes.  What a mess.  Locked up at home, we binged watched the internet, listening to our TV cable news station of choice.   It was exhausting. Now that the pandemic is nearing the end, do yourself a favor. Quit thinking about politics.

Do yourself a favor. Now that the pandemic is nearly over, stop worrying about politics.
Health care influenced  the 2020 election. Do yourself a favor and forget about politics.

Don’t predict the dire outcome of Biden’s presidency before it’s even started.  Let it spin.  There’s nothing you can do and if you believe you can foresee the state of the USA in 2024, you’re kidding yourself.  Already, Trump is saying Biden’s first month was a disaster.  No one can know at this point in time whether the Biden presidency will be a success. A lot can happen in four years. Looking back on the history of our country, who could have predicted  Pearl Harbor?   The 9/11 attack on the world trade center?  . The 2008 recession?  The  Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-2021?

This is what I know and believe:  No matter who is elected as President,  the United States of America is–and will remain—strong. .  We are a nation of immigrants, with the courage  to leave their native country,  and the resilience to start a new life in spite of all the hardships they had to endure in a new land.  Yes, some presidents do a better job than others.  But:  four years isn’t enough time to ruin all the marvelous  things that we have achieved in the past four centuries.

 So do yourself a favor.  Return to school or work at home.  Get some exercise. Play games.  Take your family  on  a picnic.   Have some fun.  Turn off the news and enjoy your life.