A panelist on a public television program recently said that former Vice President  Pence was boring. Therefore, she reasoned this would preclude him from consideration as a presidential candidate. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing    Most voters are sick and tired of chaos coming out of the White House.  We want a president  who commands respect.   While I’m not endorsing Pence or any other candidate,  I’d  like  a leader who won’t make us the laughing stock of the world.  Bring Back Boring in 2024.

Bring back boring in 2024. Voters are sick and tired of chaol.
Bring Back Boring in 2024. Voters are looking for a statesman, not a politician.
Here is what I would not like to see in a candidate:

*Some one who has been indicted in several states for various crimes such as obstruction of justice and sexual assault.

*Shakes hands with ghosts, proclaims “God Save The Queen” after a speech about gun control, and calls someone a “lying, dog faced pony soldier.  (whatever that means).

*Runs down his politicial opponents by using childish, school yard nick names.  Builds himself up by running others down.

*Defends his son for failing to pay income taxes and child support.  Says he’s proud of a man who’s debauchery can be seen all over the internet.

*Hides classified materials in his bathroom and refuses to return them to the proper authorities.

*Is suspected of receiving millions of dollars in exchange for favorable policies toward China.

*Will celebrate eighty plus birthdays  while serving as president of the United States of America and leader of the free world.

Remembering Truman, Reagan, Eisenhower, this is what I would like to see.
Someone who:

*Conducts himself with dignity and respect for others.

*Hasn’t  been indicted for a crime or involved in a scandal.

*Has distinguished himself as a defender of American Values.

*Enjoys a stable  family life,.

*Works with the opposing political party to do what’s best for the American people.

*Respects all races,  religions and social classes without pandering to any.

*Welcomes all immigrants, as long as they come into this country in a legal, orderly  manner.

Above all, the president of the United States of America should be a statesman, not a politician. According to Dr.  J. Rufus Fears, professor of the history and freedom,  the two are  not the same thing.  He said a  statesman must possess four critical qualities:

  1. A bedrock of principles
  2. A moral compass
  3. A vision
  4. The ability to build a consensus to achieve that vision

Does that sound too  boring? ?   I don’t think so.  Bring Back Boring in 2024.


Looks like neither Biden or Trump are very popular with voters.  And yet, those are the only names we hear as serious presidential candidates in 2024.  It’s hard  to believe that these could be our  choices  in the next  election.  Surely, there’s a young, smart  man or woman in all of these 50 states who could inspire Americans and salvage what’s left of this country.   Desperate for normal in 2024.

Desperate for Normal 2024. We must find a better candidate..
DESPERATE FOR NORMAL 2024. We need a better presidential candidate than either of these two.

As an octogenarian, I can get away with saying both Biden and Trump are way too old.  They might have a suntan or smear their faces with pancake makeup, but things aren’t working nearly so well inside their bodies.  Especially after 70, physical fraility begins to accerate.  There is no fountain of youth. While your kids  may say  you’re “sharp as a tack,”  they  don’t realize all of the aches and pain you’re trying to conceal as you navigate through the golden years.  Yes, your mind may be clear, but it doesn’t process information quickly.  Solving a crossword puzzle takes longer than it used to.

It comes on gradually and may not show up right away,  but  33% of those over 65  have Alzheimer’s dementia.  Let’s assume that both Trump and Biden are in that lucky 66% who will not develop the disease.  Pretend they are as fit as any 50 year old person.   Even if that were true, both of them have way too much baggage to command the respect needed to lead this country out of these troubled times.

Do we really want a president  who’s being charged with tax fraud, voter fraud, and Lord  knows what else?  On top of which, his personal life is a mess, with children by three different women and past relationships with porn stars and models.

Consider the alternative:  Does a man who smells women’s hair, has a son who does business with China, and abandons our servicemen in Afgahnastan have the credentials  needed to serve as president of these United States?

As an Independent voter, I throw up my hands.  What in the world is wrong with die hard Republicans and Democrats who can’t see that these men are way past their prime.  Both have done some good things ,  but now is the time for them to go .  A  younger, more , respectable   person must  lead  this country out of the quagmire that we’re currently in. We’re desperate for normal in 2024.