When I was younger, it seemed that I always caught a cold in the Spring.  I attributed it to the unstable weather—one day hot and sunny, the next cold and rainy.  But it finally dawned on  me that it wasn’t the changing weather that made me sneeze.  It was the tree pollen whirling through the air in April.  Once I’d figured that out, I treated my “spring cold” like any other allergy with antihistamines and a neti pot. Also, I tried to  shut the windows and stay indoors. But I got lucky this year with a killjoy frost,  because it helps allergies by killing the pollen.  This only happens when you have a hard freeze below 20 degrees after the trees have begun pollenating.

The last week in March, we had temperatures in the seventies, and all the pretty flowering trees began to bloom. Then, a cold spell swept in, with below freezing temperatures turning all the  blossoms brown.  I know it’s ugly, and I shouldn’t be glad.  But I am, because I’ve gotten a break from all the allergic reactions.

Tree pollen is finer than other pollens, and  the wind can carry it for miles. These light, dry grains  get into  your sinuses, lungs and eyes.  This year we’ve had winds up to 60 miles per hour.

In the fall, most allergy sufferers pray for a hard frost  to kill  the dreaded ragweed pollen. Even those who aren’t allergic don’t mind when a killing frost finally comes—anywhere from October through November.  By then,  with all the brilliant colored leaves to enjoy, no one is too upset when the frost kills our petunias and begonias.  We  were tired of watering them, anyway.

Killjoy frost helps allergies, but ruins the pretty spring tree blossoms.
A killjoy frost helps allergies, but it burns the pretty magnolia blossoms.

But a killjoy frost isn’t a welcome event.  Often, the magnolias and crabapple trees don’t start  blooming until  April.  Then, we have a spectacular spring show in our city.  with miles of blossoming trees lining the streets everywhere.  But, about every four years, a killjoy frost sweeps in and burns all those pretty blossoms.. I know it ruins the magnolias, but it’s a gift to those of us with allergies.


How do you like this crazy mixed up weather?  Springtime in Indiana is manic.  On Friday, I picked daffodils and brought some inside.  Saturday afternoon, it snowed and the blossoms lowered  their little heads against the cold.   Come  Sunday morning, the sun was shining, and the daffodils were  dancing in the breeze.  The miracle of daffodils brings hope as we enter the 2nd year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Two poets have written about the miracle of daffodils.
The miracle of daffodils brings hope as we enter the 2nd year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Daffodils are a special gift of nature.  Just  when we’ve gotten tired of the barren landscape of winter, the friendly little flowers appear  on a warm spring day..  Yes, it may get cold again, it may even snow again, but they will tough it out, and come back to remind us that better days are coming.

Two famous poets wrote about daffodils, two centuries apart. The first , I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud, was written in 1804 by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a Cloud
That floats on high o’er Vales and Hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden Daffodils;
Beside the Lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:—
A Poet could not but be gay
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the shew to me had brought:

For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the Daffodils.

Daffodils have been the subject of two famous poems
Gillean Clark is the poet who authored Miracle on St. David’s Day

Two centuries later, in 1980,  Gillian Clark wrote Miracle on St. David’s Day  after reading poetry to patients in a mental hospital. . It’s based on a true story.  Clark was the National Poet of Wales until 2016.

Fair warning: This could bring tears to your eyes

Miracle On St David’s Day

An afternoon yellow and open-mouthed
with daffodils. The sun treads the path
among cedars and enormous oaks.
It might be a country house, guests strolling,
the rumps of gardeners between nursery shrubs.

I am reading poetry to the insane.
An old woman, interrupting, offers
as many buckets of coal as I need.
A beautiful chestnut-haired boy listens
entirely absorbed. A schizophrenic

on a good day, they tell me later.
In a cage of first March sun a woman
sits not listening, not feeling.
In her neat clothes the woman is absent.
A big, mild man is tenderly led

to his chair. He has never spoken.
His labourer’s hands on his knees, he rocks
gently to the rhythms of the poems.
I read to their presences, absences,
to the big, dumb labouring man as he rocks.

He is suddenly standing, silently,
huge and mild, but I feel afraid. Like slow
movement of spring water or the first bird
of the year in the breaking darkness,
the labourer’s voice recites ‘The Daffodils’.

The nurses are frozen, alert; the patients
seem to listen. He is hoarse but word-perfect.
Outside the daffodils are still as wax,
a thousand, ten thousand, their syllables
unspoken, their creams and yellows still.

Forty years ago, in a Valleys school,
the class recited poetry by rote.
Since the dumbness of misery fell
he has remembered there was a music
of speech and that once he had something to say.

When he’s done, before the applause, we observe
the flowers’ silence. A thrush sings
and the daffodils are flame.


Daffodils thrill us, inspire us, and give us hope.   Happy spring!

Misogyny Targets Meghan Markle

Women have come a long way in the past 50 years. I came of age at a time when college girls weren’t allowed to wear pants on campus.  Jeans could be worn only to chemistry classes. Assertive women were shunned, especially if they were good looking.  But that all changed in the 60’s, when the pill allowed  women the same  freedom men had always enjoyed. Women no longer have to depend on men for their livelihood.  They now have access to careers  in formerly male -dominated occupations like doctor, lawyers, and engineers.  And yet, when we see the way misogyny targets Meghan Markle, we know it’s alive and well in Britain and all over the world.

Misogyny targets Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan dislikes strong women.
Misogyny targets Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan hates strong, powerful women.

Some misogynists simply hate all beautiful women. But  British television reporter Piers Morgan  demonstrates a particular kind of misogyny. They don’t hate beautiful women who conform to their ideal of the way women should act:  women who defer to men in all things, and behave as if they are inferior to men in ability and intelligence.  Morgan’s  particular kind of misogyny  is reserved for women with power and status, who stand up for themselves and make their own decisions.

Why do the British love Kate Middleton and hate Meghan Markle?  Because Kate is nothing more than a wife and mother.  She has never accomplished much of anything on her own.  She came from a wealthy family, and  was called “waity Katy,” because she dated Prince William for 9 years before he finally proposed.. She’s sweet and demure and never challenges the status quo.  She knows what good for her, and that’s to behave more or less like a Stepford Wife.  Look beautiful and fashionable,  and be a good sport when your husband has an affair with your best friend.

But Meghan was a bootstrapper from the git go.  A mixed race child from a marriage that ended in divorce.  A little girl envied and despised by her step siblings. Graduated from Northwestern University, then finally made it as an actress in a popular television series.  Then had the nerve to get a divorce from a man she no longer loved.  This is not what wins the heart of misogynists like Piers Morgan.

Misogyny is alive and well, even in the United States. Misogyny targets Megan Markle,  but you know what?  I think she can handle it.


Our city has one of the highest poverty rates in the state of Indiana.  A disproportionate number of  low income people live in the inner city, in old, deteriorating houses and apartments.  At one time, there was an A&P  within walking distance, but that disappeared long ago.  It was never replaced. Nowhere to shop but the Dollar Store. Which meant that you often saw people buying  unhealthy foods. Bacon, sugary snacks, processed meat .  Because  nothing fresh was available.   But this week , DG Market  rescued the food desert.

dg MARKET has rescued the inner city food desert with fresh produce.
DG Market rescued the food desert in our inner city last week.

Imagine my surprise yesterday, when I stopped for my usual supply of  bargains like mouthwash and vitamins.  It’s on the way home from the YMCA and the library, so I often pull in there, even though it used to be one of the dingiest Dollar Stores in town:   piles of jumbled up merchandise. aisles of packaged  food  full of salt, carbohydrates, and fat.  (Potato chips, lunch meat, cupcakes, etc.)

A lot of their clientele  suffer from diabetes and obesity, due to poor diets.  Many folks don’t drive.  Can’t afford a car, and all that it entails—insurance, license plates, etc.  Breaks your heart to see them trudging along in inclement weather with heavy bags.  But yesterday, a bright light appeared.  A great big yellow sign that read, DG Market.  I really didn’t need anything, but when I saw a grand opening sign, I had to stop.

First thing I noticed was the neatly stocked shelves.  No tables and racks piled with  merchandise.  Plenty of room.  A fresh smell.  And then, as I approached the new self-serve checkout, my heart soared.  Just inside the door,  bananas! Baskets of  apples, oranges, fresh vegetables and fruits.  And then, believe it or not, a whole refrigerated section with fresh, unprocessed meats.

As a dietitian, I felt like jumping for joy.  At last, disadvantaged  kids can have an orange for breakfast, a fresh salad for dinner.  And a pork chop or chicken leg that isn’t full of sodium and preservatives.  Patients with high blood pressure can buy low sodium meat and fresh fruits to provide the potassium they need to keep their fluids under control. Kudus to Dollar General for rescuing our city’s food desert.

New cars don’t appeal after 80

Back in the fifties and sixties,  cars were  a huge status symbol.  People traded their cars in every two or three years—the flashier, the better.   But as the years went by, the new  car culture gradually dwindled down.  Finally, there comes a time in life when you don’t want a change.   New cars don’t appeal after 80.

Back In the 50's car culture, everyone wanted a new car. But now, new cars don't appeal after 80.
Flashy new cars were popular in the fifties.. But the car culture is dwindling. New cars don’t appeal after 80.

In the early 20th century, only the wealthy could afford to own more than one car.  As an example, when I was in college, none of my girlfriends owned a car.  If anyone did, they came from a rich family. After graduating college and going to work in Chicago, it was rare for a young city dweller to own a car.  Everyone took the subway or the el. But when you did finally marry, settle down, and move to the suburbs, you were expected to have at least one late model car.

That began to change in the late 50’ and early 60’s,  when the Volkswagen Beetle craze took over.  Suddenly, it was seen as smart to buy a small, gas efficient car that might last for years. In a form of reverse snobbery,  it became  a point of pride to keep a small, foreign car for years on end.  Later on, the Honda replaced the Volkswagen as the favored  anti-materialistic vehicle.

The average person today keeps their car for 10 years.  That would have made you the object of derision in the 50’s. And yet, cars still do serve as status symbols.  Cadillacs may seem a little too flashy, but wealthy people still drive luxury foreign cars like a Lexus or a Beemer.

After you’re 80, though, new cars don’t  appeal. They’re way too sophisticated—all the computerized bells and whistles are confusing.  Once you’ve gotten used to the dashboard in your car, you don’t want to take on  a new one. My car turns 13 this year, and has over 100,000 miles.  But I know where everything is. How to turn on the windshield wipes and turn on the defogger.  I even had  a side door replaced when someone dented it in a parking lot.  Yes, I can afford a new car.  But I really don’t want one.


College enrollment is nosediving everywhere.  In college towns, that affects overall prosperity, as retail businesses and restaurants see less revenue coming in.  Obviously, the covid-19  pandemic has started this downward spiral.  It’s not just because so many people are unemployed, and college is less affordable.  It’s also because the main appeal of higher learning isn’t all about academics.  Why did you go to college?

Why did you go to college? Was it just for the academics, or for the social life?
Why did you go to college? Was it simply for the academics, or did you want to broaden your experiences?

When I graduated high school at age 17,  I lived a mile from campus, and could walk to class every day. Coming from a small Catholic girls school, most of my 17 classmates entered the workforce as secretaries, factory workers, and other occupations that didn’t require a college degree.  But I didn’t want to go on with my same old life.  I wanted to re invent myself. Meet new people.  Go to parties. Get involved in clubs and  activities.  Socialize with students from all over the state, the country, and a few foreign students. If  college had  meant enrolling in online learning, I’m sure it wouldn’t have had the same appeal.  In order  to broaden my experiences, I would probably have moved to some exciting new place like California.

Another reason many women went on to university  was to get what was laughingly called an MRS. degree.  They really didn’t want to have a career.  But they did want to meet an educated man who could provide them with the ideal life at that time, as a stay at home wife and mother, with a house in the suburbs, a car, and two or three children.  That’s all changed. Many people do meet “the love of their life” in college.  But now, most female  graduates  move on to careers in accounting, engineering, and other formerly male dominated occupations.  They may decide to marry around the age of 30, or not at all.

Still, the major appeal of college life  has more to do with the social aspects. Getting away from home   Making friends with new, like minded people. The partying, the activities, clubs, sporting events.  When you take away all of that, college loses it’s appeal to those less academically talented.  Maybe that’s a good thing, in the end.  There are plenty of careers that don’t require a college degree.

Why did you go to college? .


Have you watched more television during the Covid-19 pandemic?  I’d have to guess that most of us do.  Stuck at home during a cold,  dark winter,  the long evenings were difficult to fill.  No concerts to attend, friends to visit, places to go, or things to see and do.  They say Netflix has seen an astronomical rise in revenue, and it’s no wonder. However,  after watching so much TV, you become a bit more discerning.  And many of us have found that we prefer watching British shows.  Here are 6 good things about British TV.

6 Good Things About British TV. Realistic characters, good writing, make for better shows.
  1. The writing is better on the shows.  It’s geared to a higher intellectual level.   Not PHD’s but  not aimed at the sixth grade mentality, either. The BBC produces  30% of all British TV .  BBC mission statement is “to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.”  Since BBC isn’t dependent on commercial advertising, they don’t have to worry about pleasing sponsors like Procter and Gamble or Astra Zeneca.

2. Older people are more often major characters.  And they aren’t cast as stereotypical seniors  (crabby, saintly,  sickly, frail). They’re strong  men and women who have talents, abilities, enjoy sex, and are  flawed in some way.

3. The characters aren’t as good looking as in America. They’re apt to be overweight, wrinkled, or sort of plain.  Actors are cast for their talent, not their looks.

4. The females  don’t wear as much makeup. They don’t all look like fashion models.  They seem more like the women we see every day.

5. .The characters are more restrained. They behave in a rather  formal, dignified manner.

6. British accents. Having lived in a small Indiana town, I had never heard a real English accent until I moved to Chicago after college.  The best companies hired women with English accents . There are hundreds of different English accents, but all of them are easier on the ears that the flat American way of speaking   Even if they use poor grammar, the British  accent  still sounds  posher than an American of a similar social class.

As the pandemic hung on, we found Masterpiece Theatre and other British shows  more entertaining  than the typical American TV shows, thrown together with predictable plots, and cardboard characters.  By this time next year, we’ll surely be watching less television than we do now.  But we’ll appreciate the 6 good things we’ve learned about British TV.