It looks like two elderly men are determined to get themselves elected President of the USA in 2024.   Their respective political parties seem willing to support them. However,   In this divided country, there are a lot of die-hard partisans. Most Democrats and Republicans would rather elect  a wooden chair than either Donald Trump or Joe Biden.  The candidates themselves seem eager to prove themselves not only young at heart , but able and hardy as a 25 year old.   While Trump is younger than Biden, both of them would be octogenarians by the time they finish out their term, if elected.  Unfortunately, Trump & Biden are fooling young voters, who haven’t the faintest idea how it feels to be 80 years old.  

Trump & Biden fooling young voters into believing they don't feel old inside.
TRUMP & BIDEN FOOLING YOUNG VOTERS into believing their age doesn’t matter.

Trump slaps on pancake make up and plays golf.  He’s overweight, but so are a lot of young men and women, so they don’t see that as a problem.  Biden gets a suntan on his beachfront property, stays thin and rides a bicycle, outwardly appearing to be in as good a shape as any thirty something.  What no one knows–until they actually do turn 80– is that their mind may still work, but the body is giving out.

Yes, I know.  80 year old Martha Stewart posed for the cover of Sports Illustrated in a bathing suit.  Carol Burnett says that even though she’s 90, she feels 18 inside.  And they look pretty good, thanks to beauticians, dermatologists, photo shoppers, fitness instructers, cosmetic surgeons and clothing designers.  I’ll give Jane Fonda credit.  She freely admits she’s had to quit drinking because 80 year olds  don’t handle their liquor too well.   We all know of oldsters who swing dance at 90, but they’re a very rare exception.

Many young people today don’t even know an octogenarian.  Their parents may have grown up in a small town, but they went to college and  moved far away from home.  Their children seldom, if ever, see or interact with  elderly grandparents..   They don’t understand the infirmities that come with old age.  As someone once said, “you may look okay from the outside, but you’re not the same on the inside.” .

If Joe Biden is re elected, the country will probably be ruled by behind-the-scenes Democratic handlers. None of whom were  elected.  Which will satisfy those who are more interested in  liberal policies  than who  is in the White House.  Conversely if Trump were elected, the result would be unpredictable and total chaos, depending on his mood of the day.  And yet, he probably would satisfy the conservatives who’ve faithfully followed him through the years.

But the fact of the matter is that both men are way too old to lead our country.  Trump and Biden should stop fooling young voters, and both parties should seek younger candidates.

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