I’m probably one of the few people left  in this country who lived through World War II—beginning and end. I remember a childhood filled with horror stories about the holocaust, and the near annihilation of Europe .  At the time, we were energy independent. Nevertheless,  rationing was taken for granted—a fact of life.  You could only use so much gas, drink so much coffee, and make so much chocolate cake, to name a few restrictions.    But are most Americans ready for that once again?  And more importantly, are they aware that their sons, brothers, and husbands could be drafted if this war spreads into Poland and Central Europe? Can we survive WW III?

Can we survive WW III? Is it possible that history is repeating itself.
CAN WE SURVIVE WW III? At the beginning of WW II, we were energy independent.

Right now, we’re begging Saudi Arabia for oil.  We are not energy independent.  Yes, it would be great if we could eliminate  fossil fuels in the next few years , but we might be throwing out the baby with the bath water.

All of our clothes come from China, a country that seemingly would rather see us under Soviet rule than keep us as a well paying customer.  Whatever happened to clothes made here in the USA?  Why is our trade deficit worsening, with  imports increasingly  exceeding  our exports?

The politicians keep telling us that if Russia takes Ukraine, it could mean the beginning of World War Three.  The beginning?  Are you kidding?  We’re already in it.  When the USA , Central and  Western European countries are providing arms to the Ukraine, we’re at war.  The only  thing that’s missing is boots on the ground.  And that seems more and more likely.

Instead of focusing on climate change and other social issues, it seems to me we should  put those dreams on hold , and face the reality of our situation.  All of our national effort should focus on being self sufficient .  Farmers, especially, should be supported by ample fuel and fertilizer.  We probably ought to be stockpiling commodities right now.

Can we survive World War Three?  Yes, we can.  But it won’t be easy unless we’re self sufficient.

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