I don’t know about you, but I’m not very interested in knee surgery.  Yes, I know a lot of people who  swear by it.  However, I know of those who’ve had major complications—like getting an infection, and having it redone twice.  Plus the pain.  I can’t take pain killers, so if something happens, I’m stuck with the real live stuff.  And, following knee surgery, that is something you can only nightmare about.  Also, I’ve seen numerous unsuccessful procedures whereby the patient is limping more after than before.  And so, I’ve endured whatever pain my osteoarthritis brings as I enter my eighth decade.  Trouble is, it can keep you up at night.  Until—unless–you discover the dirty little secret that those in the knee replacement business might  rather you not  know about: Plastic wrap ends nite knee pain—for me, anyway.

Plastic wrap ends nite knee pain if you have simple arthritis.
Plastic wrap ends nite knee pain. Put on some lotion like Bio Freeze, then wrap your knee for the night.

After years of wincing as I descended the stairs, I had made up my mind that this was something I would endure for the rest of my life.  However, I tend to surf the internet every once in awhile.  Somewhere along the way, I saw a quacky sounding story about Saran Wrap being good for the knees.  Sounded far out and crazy, but with nothing better to do, decided to try it.  Feeling rather foolish, I rubbed my aching knee caps with Bio Freeze, then followed the directions for wrapping them in plastic wrap..  I was all alone. No one to observe.   If it didn’t work, no one would ever laugh at my folly.

Surprise, Surprise.  I did not wake up during the night with knee pain.  When I descended the stairs in the morning,  I noticed something missing: Pain in my left knee.  This crazy, far out procedure had worked!  At least for me.  Obviously, not for those with more serious knee issues.

Plastic wrap has proven to be a game changer.  Sleep through the night without pain.  Wake up rested. What’s not to like about that?  You might give it a try

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