We’ve been hearing fireworks every night for a couple of weeks in our neighborhood.   I’ve never shot firecrackers from  home, but fireworks like sparklers were another story.  My children loved them, but we were always careful to supervise their use.    Actually, I still  enjoy the sound of firecrackers . They seem  fun and exciting.  Especially during this dull dreary time of the coronavirus pandemic.    But it makes you wonder.  Why do people shoot firecrackers?

Why do people shoot firecrackers? They can be dangerous
Why do people shoot firecrackers? They may appeal to risk takers.

Fireworks are also explosives, and can be dangerous.  According to Kansas State University psychology  professor Mary Cain, this adds to their appeal.  “Engaging in risky behaviors is very reinforcing for people,” she said. “For some, it can cause the  release of a chemical in the brain that makes people feel good.”  She goes on to explain that  such people are “high sensation seekers.”  They love things like roller coasters and sky diving.

I don’t like either one of those activities. Therefore, I  don’t qualify as a risk taker.  But I love the sound of firecrackers, even if they  wake me up at night.  They’re  like a  celebration of  life.  I picture the person behind them as exuberant and cheerful.  I  don’t personally know anyone shooting firecrackers. And I  probably wouldn’t enjoy having them as next door neighbors.  However,  one of the reasons  firecrackers are  appealing is their novelty.  They make the holidays seem more festive.

On the other hand, people have valid reasons for disliking fireworks in the neighborhood.  They may scare small children, or wake babies up from their naps. Some dogs and cats are afraid of fireworks—it can send them into a frenzy.  More importantly, veterans with post traumatic stress disorder may find them traumatic.  The same may be true of retired law enforcement officers.  And what about people with jobs?  They may not be able to get back to sleep if you awaken them in the middle of the night.

Many states ban the use of personal fireworks.  Other states are ambivalent, and attempt to regulate their use.  But one thing is clear.  Whether you love or hate them, firecrackers are here to stay.

Happy 4th of July!

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