The Senate camera during the impeachment trial was cruel.   Its  focus on the top of people’s heads was about as unflattering as it gets.  The camera illuminated the bald spots of many on the defense team, the house managers, and even Supreme Court Justice Roberts.   It was worse for Zoe Lofgren, as her hair frizzed out over her glasses.  Jane Raskin’s side bang  kept falling across her  eye.  She needed a bobby pin. Yes, there were some bad hair days at the Trump Impeachment trial.

The camera was not kind during the Trump Impeachment trials
House Manager Zoe Lofgren had a bad hair day during the Trump Impeachment trial.

Does appearance influence the audience?  You have to believe it does, because you seldom see an unattractive reporter on any news show.   I’m wondering if any of the impeachment teams wore makeup?  From  the looks of them, probably not a lot  The women, of course, can get away with more frippery.  But I’m always distracted by dangling earrings.  Some females opt for a bit of cleavage. Pam Bondi’s low cut black dress on Thursday was a little more revealing than it needed to be.  Perhaps that was intentional, but maybe not.

Good looks aren’t all that important for elected officials.  Female senators and congresswomen  are generally a bit plain.  There are rare exceptions like Tulsi Gabbard. But the appearance of female politicians doesn’t arouse much jealousy in the looks department.  Let’s face it:  most women aren’t going to vote for someone who looks like Jenifer Aniston.

Back to the camera angle during the impeachment trial.  Network television cameras are much more forgiving.  Until this week, we didn’t realize how  many senators and congressmen were going bald. The senate cameras give us a view from the top.  Maybe it’s a security issue.  But it made for some bad hair days during the Trump impeachment trial.

Jay Zekulow's hair may not be real, but it looked good
Trump defense attorney Jay Zekulow’s hair looked good, in spite of the camera view from the top.

On the other hand, there were a few winners.  Patrick Philibin had some pretty decent head shots. Adam Schiff has a receding hairline, but his hair is nice and wavy.   Jay Zekulow’s thick, black hair looked good from every angle, each time he stood up to speak.  His detractors claim it’s a toupee.  I don’t know.  It still looked good on television.   If Dolly Parton can wear wigs, why can’t he?

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