Beware of 5 Labor Day Pitfalls

The last summer holiday always brings a twinge of sadness, because we know that fall is coming, and it’s time to get down to business.   And yet, we look forward to family celebrations and lavish picnics.  But stop  and think before the big day.   Beware of  these 5 Labor Day Pitfalls.


     1. Weight control.    It’s possible to gain 2 or 3 pounds over the holiday, depending upon how many picnics or family gatherings you attend. The  major culprit  here is mayonnaise.   What is a Labor Day picnic without deviled eggs and potato or pasta salad?    Or without brownies or some other  absolutely delicious dessert. Here’s a caloric breakdown of a typical picnic meal , assuming you have just one serving of each item.

Potato Salad  160

Baked Beans  124

Deviled Egg half  64

Hot Dog with Bun  272

Chocolate Brownie  112

And that’s not counting beverages.  Have a can of beer, and add 154  calories

Labor Day Picnics can cause weight gain
A picnic in the park may have 1,000 to 2,000 calories

So, you’re consuming close to 1,000 calories.  If you have second helpings, or an extra beer, You could be consuming 1, 500 to 2,000 calories in just that one meal.

     2. Traffic .   Labor Day has a  high number of automobile, motorcycle and boat accidents   Drive safely,  and be especially careful at intersections.

     3. West Nile virus.   Mosquitoes carry it, and if you’re out in the woods, you are at risk.   There are no vaccines to prevent the disease.   The best defense is to wear lots of insect repellent.

Mosquito bites are the cause of West Nile virus
Mosquitoes carry the West Nile;Virus and a bug bite could be dangerous

     4.  Labor Day sales:  Could put a dent in your wallet.  The newspaper is full of tempting advertisements, and it’s hard to resist driving  to the mall, Kohls, TJMax or wherever you can get major markdowns.  But before you go, take a look at your closet and go through your dresser drawers.  Do you really need another white blouse or pair of jeans?  Where are you going to put all those new shoes when you barely have room for the ones you have?

     5. Loneliness:  Seniors,  especially, are apt to be forgotten over Labor Day.  Children and grandchildren are preoccupied with  starting school, and may  have no time for out of town grandparents.  Many elderly folks live alone.   Most have fond memories of past labor Day holidays, but their friends or siblings have passed away.   If you’re going to be alone, try to get out of the house.  Go to a movie and eat popcorn,  take a picnic to the park, or splurge on a nice meal  at a good restaurant.

And remember, it’s just one day.  Tomorrow it will all be over.

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