Most of us eat way too much between Christmas and New Years.  Then comes January 2, and you’re afraid to step on the scale.  Did you know the average person gains at least a pound over the holidays?  But it doesn’t stop there.  Most add another pound or two until spring arrives.   That first week in January, when the temperatures plunge, you’re apt to wake up feeling much more hungry than usual.  You wonder if your blood sugar is too low or too high, or what’s up?  Watch out for the cold weather  hungries!

Watch out for cold weather hungries. Be careful not to consume extra large portions.
WATCH OUT FOR COLD WEATHER HUNGRIES. There is no need to order extra large hamburgers and fries.

It’s a known fact that cold weather makes us hungry.  Our body needs fuel to stay warm.  As a result, you’re liable to gain weight during the winter months.   How are we going to handle those hunger pangs?

First off, don’t bother counting calories. Start with techniques learned during meditation.  Hunger is a physical sensation, but there’s an emotional component. Hunger makes us throw caution to the winds, and gobble down much bigger portions of whatever meal we’re partaking. Try this: When you feel hungry, stop and think.  Take a few deep breaths.  Identify your feelings.    Yes, I am  hungrier than usual because it’s cold. But that doesn’t mean I need another  piece of toast or an extra bowl of cereal at breakfast.  Lunch at McDonalds?  No, I won’t order a big batch of fries.     A plain hamburger and a glass of milk  will fill my  stomach very nicely.   Eat slowly; don’t increase your intake and  portion sizes just because the cold weather makes you hungry.

In addition, cold weather can make you feel sluggish.  The thought of going outside for a walk or running errands is unappealing.  You would rather sit by the fire and read a book  Or take an extra long nap.     Encourage  yourself to keep going at the same pace as if it were nice and warm outside.  When  it’s below freezing, and too cold to go outdoors, do something to take your mind off food.  Time flies  when you’re working on a jigsaw puzzle.   Get creative: sew, knit, or crochet.  Paint your bedroom. Rearrange the furniture

If your tummy still has yearnings, sip a warm cup of  herbal tea.  Munch on an apple or a handful of almonds.  Try out a new vegan recipe.

Watch out for cold weather hungries!


Remember when people went to jail for growing and smoking pot?   Marijuana or cannabis is  a recreational drug that also  provides relief to those suffering nausea and pain resulting from various medical conditions and treatments for cancer. It’s still illegal in most states, but some now view it in the same light as drinking alcohol.  However, we all know people who have succumbed to the ravages of alcoholism, leading to cirrhosis of the liver and other fatal diseases.  And now, a new disease connected with using marijuana has been identified.  Beware! Cannabis can be deadly.

Beware! Cannabis can be deadly. Smoking pot can lead to CHS.
BEWARE! CANNABIS CAN BE DEADLY. For some people, its use can  lead to CHS.

Emergency rooms have seen  an increasing number of people—young and old—with unexplained nausea and vomiting. There are hundreds of different reasons why someone presents with these symptoms.  Anything ranging from food poisoning to heart disease.  It takes a while to rule out all of those possibilities..   And because it’s a fairly new phenomenon, CHS is difficult to diagnose .  Especially if the patient doesn’t mention that they’ve been using marijuana for several years.  With no ill effects—until now.

What is CHS? According to Cedars-Sinai Hospital:  “Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a condition that leads to repeated and severe bouts of vomiting. It is rare and only occurs in daily long-term users of marijuana.

Marijuana has several active substances. These include THC and related chemicals. These substances bind to molecules found in the brain. That causes the drug “high” and other effects that users feel.

Your digestive tract also has a number of molecules that bind to THC and related substances. So marijuana also affects the digestive tract. For example, the drug can change the time it takes the stomach to empty. It also affects the esophageal sphincter. That’s the tight band of muscle that opens and closes to let food from the esophagus into the stomach. Long-term marijuana use can change the way the affected molecules respond and lead to the symptoms of CHS.

Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the U.S. Young adults are the most frequent users. A small number of these people develop CHS. It often only happens in those who have regularly used marijuana for several years. Often CHS affects those who use the drug at least once a day.”

Cessation of marijuana is the only treatment for CHS.  Gastroenterologists warn that if left untreated, it can lead to dehydration, pneumonia, damage to the esophagus, and death.  As smoking marijuana becomes more acceptable in mainstream society, it’s important to remember that it could also make you very sick. Beware:! Cannabis can be deadly


My emails have been piling up incrementally during this pandemic.  I used to get about 10 a day, but lately, it’s been closer to 100.  Not being too tech savvy, I tried to unsubscribe the hard way: by slowly opening the email on my desktop, then searching  the fine print that lets me unsubscribe. Very time consuming.  Just found out that my smart phone makes it much easier.  Most of these spam emails on my  iphone have a bright blue UNSUSCRIBE link at the bottom.  One quick click, and the pesky ads from clothing and insurance companies vanish, and don’t return.  Now. I wish to unsubscribe to any news flash coming across the screen that contains the name  Biden or  Trump.

I wish I could UNSUBSCRIBE TO BIDEN AND TRUMP. I’m sick of seeing them on social media.

There was a time when I was actually interested in hearing about what those two were saying or doing.  That was way back before the pandemic began.  Everyone  either hated Trump and loved Biden, or vise versa.  You had to stay on your toes to defend your president of choice whenever the subject came up—which was often.  But the truth is, nobody really cares  anymore.

Trump rants and raves, but his base is dwindling and you pretty much know what he’s going to say.  Biden only got elected because of Trump’s handling of the Covid Crisis.   Just about any of the more viable Democratic candidates could have won.  Biden’s  made  mistakes and he’s not getting any younger.  You get the feeling the country is being run by a bunch of suits in a back room who are telling him what to say and when.

So, what I’d like to do is block anything coming across my newsfeed or email that has the name Biden or Trump in it. That would probably cut down of at least 50% of my spam e mail and Iphone news flashes. .  But where would I find out what’s going on?  How could I keep up with current events?  Probably, the old fashioned way.  By reading newspapers and magazines,  I could go back over any  story and sort out fact from opinion..  Most big city newspapers are pretty liberal,   And you know that certain magazines are predictably conservative.   But at least you can cut through the chaff and figure out for yourself what’s going on without relying on Twitter and AOL.

I wish I could unsubscribe to Biden and Trump.  But I can’t.