A few years ago, Amy Schumer was on the cover of some magazine, bragged she had slept with twenty eight men, and then proceeded to describe a one night stand with an airport hookup . Wow, she wasn’t even thirty! This was supposed to be funny?   I had seen her act on a TV show and wasn’t amused with the plethora of four letter words that spewed from her mouth.   Other female comedians began to emulate her, apparently deciding they’d cash in on the slutty act that was making this unattractive woman an overnight sensation making millions of dollars.
To me, this represented feminism at it’s worst.   It’s fine for women to make equal pay, make choices about marriage and childbearing, but going into the gutter is never going to help the #Women’s Movement.  The funniest comedian of all time (IMO) was Jonathan Winters . Here was a truly funny man, and I don’t’ recall him ever bragging about his sex life.
What would women think of a man who boasted  of sleeping with so many women he couldn’t even remember their names?  Look at the #metoo movement, giving women a chance to complain about predatory, promiscuous  men.   It seems there’s now a double standard.  Women can sleep around and boast  about it, but men wouldn’t dare do the same thing if they value their career and reputation.
If women truly want equality, they should strive for dignity and respect.   Their personal life is their own business, but frankly, I don’t want to hear the salacious details. If you read my novels, TAKE THE MONEY and CHASING THEIR LOSSES, you will know  I’m not a prude.  I don’t shy away from intimate scenes, but I like to believe they are tastefully done, without resorting to gratuitous sex.

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